We have developed a proprietary software capability with our clients for effectively and efficiently dealing with all aspects of our business.
These functions are all conducted online and in real time.
Retailers have the option to place their orders via fax, e-mail, or the Internet through our web site www.dfxdistribution.ca. Additionally, they can opt to use our ultimate solution which is the installation of a communications driver that converts their purchase orders to a sales orders in our system seamlessly. All solutions provide our clients with a confirmation of receipt of their order, our sales order number and what if any products are not available via e-mail.
Inventory management is also an automated function at DFX. Replenishment orders for each of our supplier’s products, allowing for the seasonal nature of our market and current product sales trends, are generated automatically each month. The Brand Managers review these orders and add their input before they are submitted to the suppliers.
Our suppliers have access to their proprietary information through DFX’s web site. DFX has in the past, and will continue in the future, to take advantage of changes in technology to assist and improve the logistics and efficiency of the entire distribution process.
DFX produces monthly reports which we share with our suppliers either in hard copy or available for download through our website. The types of reports readily available are: